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Michaela Dicu

works as a cross-disciplinary production manager and director. After obtaining her degree in applied theatre studies, she proceeded to direct productions at various theatres throughout Germany and Switzerland. As a project manager, she has been responsible for the realisation of projects such as the urban performance “24h Osterode” as part of the TRAFO programme. For the Clara Schumann anniversary year, she created the world premiere of “Mädchenmonstermusik – Clara Schumann Wunderkind” at Theater der Jungen Welt in Leipzig. Since 2020, she has served as artistic project director of the mobile venue UFO at Deutsche Oper am Rhein.

Photo: privat



Lin Verleger

is a dancer and choreographer whose dance style is a mixture of breakdance and contemporary dance.
A former German breakdance champion, he has danced for Susanne Linke, Regina Advento, La Macana and Tanztheater Erfurt.
He has choreographed and staged works at Comedia Köln, Jes Stuttgart and Tanz Graz in addition to serving as a mentor/dance instructor.
His solo was distinguished with the Best Solo award at Soloduo NRW 2019; his work “Mutig Mutig” was nominated for the Cologne Theatre Award in 2020 and was the featured Children’s Theatre Production of the Month in November 2022.

Photo: Josephine Behr


Claus Overkamp

is a director, actor and theatre educator (BuT). After studying social sciences (diploma), he founded Theater Marabu together with Tina Jücker (1993). Since then, he has served as part of the company’s artistic direction team as well as a board member of the association marabu projekte e.V. in addition to staging productions as a guest director. Several of his productions have been distinguished with the Theatre Award of the State of NRW and have been invited to the German festival of theatre for young audiences “Augenblick Mal!”. In 2009 and 2013, Overkamp was nominated for the German Theatre Award “Der Faust” (as Best Director in the category of Theatre for Young Audiences).

Photo: Klaus Rosen